Money Making Tips
Using PTC, Survey, Search, and Writing sites to make money on the internet.

5 Reasons Why Making Money Online is More Fun than Working at a Job

When going about making money online, and making money at a job I have noticed a few things that make me smile. Here is why I enjoy making money online as opposed to going to work.

You get your own hours
It may not always equal out to making you the most money ever, but you get to choose how much work you put in. When I run out of stuff to do on the sites that I use, I get to go do whatever. I feel like doing.

It's fun
I may be making pennies here and there, but in the end I get to find out what works and what doesn't. Trying new sites is always a new experience, and I love to find new ways of making money.

I meet cool people
My blog LoaTW doesn't really make a lot of money, but the amount of people that I get to meet is really cool because they are nice people. I get comments, and get to read a lot of really cool blogs.

I am my own boss
This kind of falls in with number one. It is cool to do what you want, and when you want, and not have to worry about a boss telling you what to do, and when you need to work.

No stupid people
When working at a job you have to put up with stupid people. Sometimes these are other employees, or they are customers, but either way they just get on your nerves. When working online, you really don't have to deal with these types of people period! All your work is online, which means no face to face interaction.

So what about you? How do you feel about working online/offline? What are some reason that you like to work from your computer as opposed to going to work for a boss?

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I love working online! Even though I am still getting the hang of it, hopefully I will be successful, God willing!

You forgot, wardrobe! Cute sweats pants are my work clothes!

yes indeed lol. Wearing what you want is awesome.

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I've picked up a love for writing, and enjoy other activities, such as telling jokes, and break dancing.

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