Money Making Tips
Using PTC, Survey, Search, and Writing sites to make money on the internet.

Starting up NeoBux

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So as you all know I have been a fan of PTC sites, the only problem is that a lot of them tend to be scams. The one site however I have found that most people highly recommend is NeoBux. Because of computer issues, I have not been really able to log on to this site, but luckily something changed in the last few days.

I went ahead and invest 5$ just so I could buy some referrals, and get to cash out sooner. Now yes, I have seen a lot of posts talking about how it is a scam, but in those posts are a ton of people saying that it is not a scam. So NeoBux, this is going to be an interesting test. I already have 38 cents sitting in my account, and am aiming for the $2.00 cashout. I will let you all know how it is going as time moves on.

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Hello. If you have managed to stumble across my blog I thank you for dropping by. My pen name is Izzy, and that is what I go by when I am here on the web.

I've picked up a love for writing, and enjoy other activities, such as telling jokes, and break dancing.

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